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My people, My tribe

Something amazing happens when we find our people.

Who do we call “our people” or “our tribe” though?

They are the people that share our

values – when they are aligned we feel stronger and we stand by them; relationships do not last or go deep when the values are conflicting

dreams – our personal dreams may be different yet when our dreams for the world match we connect; we get excited about that vision together; the dream looks more possible

purpose – when we are motivated by a similar purpose we get united; we know we can do more and better together; we get inspired.

When people start to talk and share their values, their dreams, and their purpose; we get drawn to them if they are similar to ours. It happens mostly unconsciously.

Maybe we find a little bit of ourselves in them. Maybe they validate who we are in the world. We get energized by their being and their light on this earth which gives us a chance to shine a little brighter the next day.

How does the real bonding happen and how does it even go deeper though even if we are miles apart and even if we never see each other?

The magic is in the space created. The space to be our true selves. With no masks. We are drawn to that because it is an intrinsic yearning to be seen and to be heard as we are. With no pretense.

Heard years ago from a wise woman: “there is never a deep relationship without pure vulnerability”.

It is a special kind of leader who can create this space. Only servant leadership can create that sacred place. It is never about them. Even if they say nothing or do nothing, every action, every silence has a reason.

When you have this space with your people in it, there is no leaving. Even if you leave physically, you are still one. They heal you by seeing you. They hug you even when they don’t touch you.

If you find this space and your people, hold on tight. It sure does not happen a lot.

They are your




your soft space to fall.

You get to be most grateful for their presence in the hardest of times.

This is how I feel with my 360° Nation crowd.

Even when I don’t see them, even if I am not in that space with them for weeks or months, just the fact that they are there somewhere makes me braver, stronger, and a better person.

If you also get to see your people in person and get lucky as I am, you also blossom.

Thank you, my people. I left you the other day but I still carry a piece of you with me.

Thank you for uplifting me.

Find your people. Life is so much better with your people.


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