This is what I believe: We all have a longing to do something bigger, something more meaningful then fulfilling our materialistic needs. Purpose is the most sustainable form of happiness, because it lasts. When we align our purpose with our work, our lives and the world changes for better.
I, Brooke Ozlem Erol, started Purposeful Business in 2010. My experience in working at a multinational company (IBM) for several years, holding positions at several departments including sales, marketing, organizational development, employees engagement, and training gave me the chance to have different perspectives about work.
Being part of a reorganization and motivation team at IBM was my first glimpse into employee engagement and motivation; I enjoyed being part of that team very much. I realized I have this passion for helping organizations and employees (now I call them stakeholders) to be more "successful". Success not at the expense of others, but success that is meaningful to all the stakeholders including vendors, suppliers, clients, people who work there and communities. I started getting very interested in finding out why some companies are doing great while others fail. To this day, I continue to live my passion by reading, training, coaching, speaking, writing and consulting on these topics.
I questioned my purpose very early on. How did my work every day contribute to my company, my clients, my country, and the world? I found my purpose at IBM: bringing the best technology to my country through IBM so that my clients can make the best use of it to serve their own customers. But it also made it obvious that this was not the right purpose for me. Intuitively I knew there was something else that I needed to do with my life. So I started my journey to find what I love in my 20s.
I was always very aware of the times when I performed my best at work. It happened when I was treated as a human being first versus a number; when I was trusted to do my job with no need for micromanagement, and when I was a good fit for the culture versus the job requirements. I knew that when the culture is right and all my values are aligned with the organization, I am my best. I feel more loyal, I feel I matter, I feel energized, I feel like myself all the time.
The changes we are going through in the workplace today is very much needed. Open minded, real servant leaders are already paving the way doing the right thing and as a result, they see the increase in employee engagement, loyalty, and have better margins. I believe in innovative organizations that create environments where employees use their strengths and fulfill their own purpose. I believe this is the only way to thrive in the future.
I believe in purpose because we all have that yearning in us to do something bigger than our personal desires. We all know there is more to life than that. Since organizations are all made up of people, the only way to make them happy is to speak to this yearning. When people work with their purpose, their engagement, their productivity goes through the roof, compared to doing a job just to make money. I talk about these companies a lot in my articles. (See my blog)
I also have another business (www.yourbestlifeinc.com) since 2003 where I help professionals find their next meaningful step in their career. I help them find their purpose in life. Having met so many of people whose souls are crushed because of bad leaders or bad environments led me to look at organizations to see how they are dealing with these unhappy employees. That is when I founded Purposeful Business.
I completed many coaching and training programs – the most recent being CTI Co-Active Coaching. I spend tons of money on training and conferences to make sure I improve my skills and knowledge. I am the author of Create a Life You Love and co-author of a book the #1 International Bestseller that got published in August 2018 From Hierarchy to High Performance.
I know my purpose in life is to help individuals and organizations discover and live their purpose. When our purpose is aligned with the company we work for or the company we start, miracles happen!
If you would like to know more about me, you can check my profile on LinkedIn.
If you are curious to see where I wrote and spoke please see them all here.
To a life well lived through our purpose. Would love to meet you in this beautiful journey.
Brooke Ozlem Erol
Why Purposeful Business?
1. PB believes in the transformation that is needed and happening in the workplace; has done research in the field and knows companies that have a purpose and do the right thing for their employees (stakeholders), clients and their communities make more profit
2. Sales and marketing has changed dramatically over the last 10 years and not everyone is up to date with these new tools to implement them and they need expertise help
3. PB owner and founder has 20+ years of experience in both sales and marketing
4. PB has a unique perspective on both sides of the equation: the owner has been working with unhappy professionals who want to bring meaning to their lives as well as companies where these unhappy people work and need help with creating environments that enhance creativity and engagement
5. PB is great about discovering your unique strengths so that you can shine in your outreach efforts as well as employee engagement
6. PB does not leave you alone once the marketing or sales plan is in place; helps you implement them
7. Understands coaching plays a big part in accountability and implementation of new principles in the workplace