Purpose is One Key Ingredient of a Whole New Recipe for Work
I am a Purpose and a WHY person not because it is trendy; it is because I am part of a species called human beings. We are the only ones...

The Books I Enjoyed Reading in 2020
Here are some of the books I wanted to share with you from my reading list of 2020. Before the year even started I was reading Sapiens, A...

Purpose: Why Does It Matter So Much and What Happens without It?
I try to explain in every single way I know how, that we all need purpose to have a better quality of life. Even if we are not aware of...

5 Biggest Misconceptions of What Purpose Means in an Organization
Purpose is everywhere. It became a buzz word already. I am so happy that we finally talk about what it means in life and at work. As I do...

9 Practices That Can Make Us Happier in 2020
We always get excited about a new year starting. Why though? We always want a new beginning to be more hopeful for the future. Everybody,...

Take the Time to Reflect Back on 2019
I am setting aside a time to do "reflection day" every year in December. I highly recommend it. Why? Because human mind tends to think...

Tired of Hearing About Purpose? (Part 2)
In my last article - Part 1, I explained why Purpose became a big topic lately. It is about the world we live in and the factors that...

Tired of Hearing About Purpose? (Part 1)
I get it. Including me, so many people write about it, talk about it like never before. It is important to understand why Purpose comes...

It is not easy to be a change agent
I feel so lucky to have found my tribes (yes, even more than one) after 20 years in searching. When I started questioning the status quo...

Why your parents cannot understand your work anymore?
As Frederic Laloux tells so eloquently in his book Reinventing Organizations, our consciousness level changes every generation with the...