Quick Look to Leadership in the light of Dare to Lead Book
Just finished Brene Brown's book Dare to Lead and wanted to share some insights I gained from it. I have been following her for years...

Some of my Favorite Books in 2018
I have a loooooong list of books to read in 2019 and I am looking forward to it. I am who I am because of all the books I read. I cannot...

Can we all be a little more like Southwest? Please?
I wrote this article right after I flew to Dallas Love Field with Southwest (the only airlines I use for my domestic flights) on December...

Work-Life balance is a false expectation
We heard this “work-life balance” so many times over the years. Especially after the working hours have increased significantly. We all...

Consumers watching closely as values of Corporate America changing – United/Wells Fargo- Starbucks/A
We have so many news nowadays where we get to watch how Corporate America is reacting to some unfortunate events happening at their end....

Happy "Health at Work" Day
The International Labor Organization (ILO) started observing the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, 2003. The ILO is...

Would you hire 10 people to have only 3 working?
Probably you are saying “of course not”. It sounds ridiculous, right? Well, this is what we have done over the last decades. We never got...

Let’s stop judging the next generation
I study and research #futureofwork which involves understanding the differences and the similarities between the generations. The...

Meaningful "work" for 2018
We can dream and have new goals every day of the year. There is something magical about new beginnings though. A Monday, a new month and...

5 Phrases We Can Drop as Leaders
Originally as seen in Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/5-phrases-we-can-drop-as-leaders_us_5a207eb2e4b04dacbc9bd559?...