Workers: The New Activists
I have been questioning the workplace rules and norms since the day I started working in the corporate. If you have been following me,...

Purpose is One Key Ingredient of a Whole New Recipe for Work
I am a Purpose and a WHY person not because it is trendy; it is because I am part of a species called human beings. We are the only ones...

Rise of Purpose during Pandemic
Work as we know died. It is not sustainable to work just to get a paycheck and live for weekends only. We need to find more meaning in...

5 Biggest Misconceptions of What Purpose Means in an Organization
Purpose is everywhere. It became a buzz word already. I am so happy that we finally talk about what it means in life and at work. As I do...

Work-Life balance is a false expectation
We heard this “work-life balance” so many times over the years. Especially after the working hours have increased significantly. We all...

Five things I learned the hard way when I became an entrepreneur
I love to share what I learn so that others do not have to repeat the same mistakes I did. Those of you who started a business would know...